
PDF Forest Measurement with Bitterlich Relascope (User Manual 04.06.2013)

The user manual can be downloaded for free
The user manual in English, A4-printable, published in 2013

The practical fieldwork description has 18 colour photos, 4 tables, and 3 figures on 11 pages in A4-format.

The instruction material consists of:
1. detailed measurement procedure in a measurement point and in a whole forest stand;
2. prevention of the 10 most common measurement errors;
3. tables for choosing proper number of measurement points in a stand, based on relative or absolute basal area error with reliabilities of 68% and 95%;
4. sample calculations for obtaining forest stand timber volume by each species in each crown layer;
5. an example of partial forest stand description;
6. standard table (normal stand yield table) for Estonia (Europe).

The instruction material is used in practical forest measurement by forest survey and logging companies and as study material by several educational institutions, including three Estonian universities. The material has been reviewed by practising fieldwork specialists from forest survey companies and theorists from the Estonian University of Life Sciences.

To get the overview of the contents, the manual can be downloaded for free in Estonian language:

Metsa relaskoopmootmine 2010 (Forest Measurement with Relascope, published in 2010)

———–The following products are in Estonian language only———-

Other free products

Forest Assessment (Metsa_hindamine_2004_printimiseks)

This illustrated manual describes measurement of tree stand by cross-callipering method (measurement procedure of the heights and diameters of trees; assessment of quality of tree stems; selection of the most suitable volume table for the measured stand; volume calculation by roundwood assortment; example of forest stand price calculations according to volume of its estimated assortments, their prices, costs for cutting, hauling and transport). Published in 2004, 27 pages with colour photos, figures and tables. The manual is also available in full colour (Metsa_hindamine_2004_nagu_trükitud)

Software RaieWin

The software calculates roundwood logs volume and logs price automatically based on standing forest measurement data (cross-callipering method). The software is produced by company Ahri OY (software developer Allar Padari).

Book: Measurement and Assessment of Roundwood

Full content pdf-file (Tartu_2001_tervikmaterjal)

The manual describes measurement of roundwood on log-by-log basis; volume assessment method of stacked roundwood; definitions related to roundwood; requirements on roundwood quality according to its intended use and volume tables for roundwood and bark.

Published in 2001, 134 pages with colour photos, figures and tables.

The book full content is divided into following files:

Tartu_2001 (main text with black-and-white drawings)

Okaspuupalkide_kval_klassid_Tartu_2001 (quality classes of coniferous sawlogs)

Seenkahjustused_Tartu_2001 (pictures of rot damage in roundwood)

Kuuse-juurepess_Tartu_2001 (spruce root rot damage in roundwood)

Ranipuit_Tartu_2001 (compression wood)


———–The following products are in Estonian language only———-

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